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Lily Pad Swim School

Swimming Instruction

The Lily Pad Swim School was created and launched under the roof of Gym Magic Kids in 2004. We adopted a proven curriculum that has taught hundreds of thousands of children throughout the nation. Our program divides children by age and then skill. Our 5 skill levels (Parent-child, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced Intermediate & Advanced) are designed to build confidence in the water, teach safety skills, and teach progression swim skills. Our parent-child and beginner classes are for children with little or no swim skills. Classes will focus on building comfort in the water as well as teach basic, beginning swim skills. Our intermediate to advanced classes work on compnents of the four competitive swim strokes. At the end of the program, students should be able to perform all 4 swim strokes with technical refinement as well as understanding safety and survival techniques. Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and structured opportunity for children to learn the life-saving skill of swim.

Lily Pad Swim Special Announcements

Have a Passion to Teach?

We are always looking for new team members who absolutely love educating our youth! Fill out our online application and visit us at our Main Campus at 2341 Entrada Del Sol.

Introduce Your Child to the Power of Swim!

Waterbabies A

6-15 Months


Our Waterbabies class introduces babies to comfort in the water with water submersion. Parents and students can expect to learn how to properly hold and position their children in the water for safety and comfort. We use fun songs, games, and toys to help teach new skills.


Tadpoles LVL 3

24-36 Mos.


Dive into the next level of aquatic adventure with Gym Magic Kids Tadpoles Level 3! For children aged 12-36 months, this class follows WaterBabies Level 2 and focuses on fostering water independence


Seahorse Class

7 & Up


Our Seahorse class works to develop a foundation for independent freestyle swimming while building confidence in and around the water. Students will learn how to set and obtain short and long term goals, patience, perseverance, confidence, and listening skills.


Sea Otter Class

7 & Up


Goals: To improve on technique and learn intermediate level swim strokes, while becoming comfortable and confident in the deep end of the pool.
Skills: Streamline on back with kicks, rhythmic breathing, retrieving rings from the deep end, breaststroke, dolphin kicks, swim 2 laps with rhythmic freestyle.


Sharks Class

7 & Up


Requirements: to swim 2-4 laps of freestyle and backstroke, focus on technique for breaststroke, butterfly, and flip-turns
Goals: Safety, swimming all strokes, refining all skills
Skills: freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, flip turns, and pre team workout.


Waterbabies B

16-36 Months


Our Waterbabies class introduces babies to comfort in the water with water submersion. Parents and students can expect to learn how to properly hold and position their children in the water for safety and comfort. We use fun songs, games, and toys to help teach new skills.


Bubblefish Class

3-4 Years


Bubblefish immediately get to work on learning very important water safety and survival skills. Students will immediately be introduced to (or continue developing) their back float, swim-to-wall, monkey crawls, and practice independently climbing out of the pool.


Catfish Class

3-4 Years


Our Catfish class is our youngest Intermediate skill level class. These little swimmers have past swim experience, show signs of independence and confidence, and meet our skill requirements.


Penguins Class

5-6 Years


Our Penguins class consists of our youngest advanced Intermediate students. Students are safely and comfortably eased into advanced swimming strokes, techniques, and terminology.

Adv. Intermediate

Waterbabies LVL2

12-36 Months (Adv.)


Our Waterbabies Level 2 class is for advanced 12-36 months. Your little one will look to take on new challenges and skills such as monkey walks, kicking skills, and even learning to swim forward and back floating.!


Goldfish Class

5-6 Years


The Goldfish class is where you’ll find our 4-5 year old beginners. Similar to all our classes, watery safety and survival skills are immediately and continuously taught. This level works to develop a foundation for independent freestyle swimming. Each class works on arm and kick development in preparation for future stroke and breathing techniques.


Sea Turtle Class

5-6 Years


Our Intermediate Sea Turtle class for 4-5 year old swimmers requires an instructor’s approval. These little swimmers have past swim experience, show strong signs of independence and confidence, and meet our skill requirements


Seals Class

7 & Up


Requirements: Breaststroke, dolphin kicks, kick on length of pool on back, retrieve object from bottom of deep end, rhythmic breathing, streamline on back with kicks, and complete 2 laps of backstroke and freestyle (with focus on technique).

Adv. Intermediate

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